Voice of the Silent Majority

This is a forum to connect Patriotic Americans, determine the truth, amplify our voices and establish a platform to ensure the United States' survival as a Republic.  

A man with duct tape over his mouth and nose.

Voice of the Silent Majority

This is a forum to connect Patriotic Americans, determine the truth, amplify our voices and establish a platform to ensure the United States' survival as a Republic.  

Do you feel your elected representatives work more for transnational corporations and entities than you who elected them?

Are you concerned that government debt is out of control and the elected representatives are not doing enough to get it under control?

Will you sign this petition to Congress to prohibit corporations and foreign entities' authorization to contribute to political campaigns and end their influence and control over our elected representatives?

Do you believe the United States is heading in the wrong direction?

Is your federal government and news media lying to you?

What have you done for your country lately?

A crowd of people walking down the street at night.
A man in military gear holding an american flag.
A picture of the american flag on top of a hill.

Violent Crimes

Violent crime is increasing everywhere… School shootings, murders, rioting, looting, coordinated smash and grabs.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

People are losing their minds! Is it the pandemic, mandates, and lockdowns? A retired Marine Pilot and former financial advisor says, “No, it is unlimited campaign spending!”

Knoxville, TN / December 1, 2021 / Thomas Riordan, 20-year Marine Corps Pilot, Air Traffic Controller, and former Financial Advisor during the 2008 financial crisis. “When I was out there risking my life for America, I saw things that didn’t appear to be in the best interest of the American People. After leaving the Marines, I followed politics to understand what motivated our leaders. As a financial advisor observing market forces, I realized the politicians worked for the banks, corporations, and super-wealthy at the expense of the middle class,” said Riordan. An example he gave was that in 1999, Clinton deregulated the banks. Nine years later, the world economy collapsed from banking abuses. Many in the middle class lost their jobs and homes. Obama bailed out the banks and let the middle class take the loss. Both Clinton and Obama left the Whitehouse with foundations worth hundreds of millions in their names.

America regressed in 1971. Riordan says, “for the first 200 years of our nation’s history, corporations, unions, and foreign entities were prohibited from contributing to elections.” In 1971, the FEC allowed corporations and unions limited expenditure on elections thru Political Action Committees. The amount that flowed in increased every year. What also increased was the National Debt from an average of 31%/GDP before 1975 to 90%/GDP in 2010 and 129%/GDP in 2020, according to www.thebalance.com. Meanwhile, according to Pew Research Center, the middle class shrunk from 61% in 1971 to 52% in 2016.

On Jan. 21, 2010, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations' longstanding prohibition on independent expenditures violated the First Amendment. The court allowed corporations, including nonprofits and labor unions, to spend unlimited sums to support or oppose political candidates.

The decade that followed was the most expensive in the history of U.S. elections. Independent groups spent billions to influence crucial races, morphing into extensions of candidate campaigns. Wealthy donors injected unprecedented sums into elections. Transparency eroded as "dark money" groups, keeping their sources of funding secret, emerged as political powerhouses.

The explosion of big money and secret spending wasn’t caused by Citizens United alone. It was enabled by several court decisions that surgically removed several restrictions in campaign finance law—source www.opensecrets.org.
The result is a deeply divided nation. “Division based on misinformation,” Riordan says. There is no integrity in the messaging anymore. Many realize that, but most believe what they want to believe. The news they are fed is microtargeted via social media and search engines. They mainly get information that reinforces what they want to think. Or even more sinister, what someone else wants them to believe.

An example is the Russian Collusion hoax. After months of investigation by the John Durham Special Counsel, no collusion with Russia existed in the Trump administration. However, many still believe it because they continue to be targeted with misinformation. Imagine what a political side with an agenda can do with microtargeting. Suppose they restrict damning information that would change their vote to the opposition if voters knew about it, even if the other candidate is not their first choice. Information such as Hunter Biden’s laptop links Biden to China.

According to the FEC, $12.9 billion was spent in the 2019-2020 elections cycle. Those who provided the cash did not do it in the goodness of their hearts. They want something in return, which is usually a government expenditure. The tax revenue produced by hard-working Americans is not enough to cover the spending. The same Americans can’t afford accountants who find tax loopholes. Nor can they afford to donate enough to election campaigns to incentivize politicians to vote for laws that favor them. So, the burden is on them. The politicians work for the money and not the people. They say they do and fight for high-interest things like abortion, but their actions support the donors that get them elected.

Riordan says, “the solution is simple: limit spending.”

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) is an intergovernmental organization that supports sustainable democracy worldwide. They looked at campaign contributions and spending in 172 nations. Their findings are that spending restrictions reduce corruption and create more peaceful elections. Source www.prospect.org and www.idea.int.
In 2010, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 prohibiting independent expenditures by corporations violated the First Amendment. The court allowed corporations, including nonprofits and labor unions, to spend unlimited sums to support or oppose political candidates. The majority made the case that political spending from independent actors, even from powerful corporations, was not a corrupting influence on those in office—source www.opensecrets.org.
Riordan contends that this ruling violates his constitutional rights. He says, “the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written for the citizens, not corporations. The Supreme Court allows this unlimited flow of money, effectively making any contribution I do insignificant. My constitutional rights are violated, as are most Americans. I find this extremely offensive since I risked my life 22 years for the American People, not for companies with profit as their primary goal.” He is filing a petition to have Citizens United vs. the FEC overturned. He is hoping many Americans will join his cause. Read more.

On Jan. 21, 2010, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations' longstanding prohibition on independent expenditures violated the First Amendment. With its decision, the court allowed corporations, including nonprofits and labor unions, to spend unlimited sums to support or oppose political candidates.

The decade that followed was the most expensive in the history of U.S. elections. Independent groups spent billions to influence crucial races, morphing into extensions of candidate campaigns. Wealthy donors injected unprecedented sums into elections. Transparency eroded as "dark money" groups, keeping their sources of funding secret, emerged as political powerhouses.

The explosion of big money and secret spending wasn’t caused by Citizens United alone. It was enabled by several court decisions that surgically removed several restrictions in campaign finance law—source www.opensecrets.org.
The result is a deeply divided nation. “Division based on misinformation,” Riordan says. There is no integrity in the messaging anymore. Many realize that, but most believe what they want to believe. The news they are fed is microtargeted via social media and search engines. They mainly get information that reinforces what they want to think. Or even more sinister, what someone else wants them to believe.

An example is the Russian Collusion hoax. After months of investigation by the John Durham Special Counsel, no collusion with Russia existed in the Trump administration. However, many still believe it because they continue to be targeted with misinformation. Imagine what a political side with an agenda can do with microtargeting. Suppose they restrict damning information that would change their vote to the opposition if voters knew about it, even if the other candidate is not their first choice. Information such as Hunter Biden’s laptop links Biden to China.

According to the FEC, $12.9 billion was spent in the 2019-2020 elections cycle. Those who provided the cash did not do it in the goodness of their hearts. They want something in return, which is usually a government expenditure. The tax revenue produced by hard-working Americans is not enough to cover the spending. The same Americans can’t afford accountants who find tax loopholes. Nor can they afford to donate enough to election campaigns to incentivize politicians to vote for laws that favor them. So, the burden is on them. The politicians work for the money and not the people. They say they do and fight for high-interest things like abortion, but their actions support the donors that get them elected.

Riordan says, “the solution is simple: limit spending.”

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) is an intergovernmental organization that supports sustainable democracy worldwide. They looked at campaign contributions and spending in 172 nations. Their findings are that spending restrictions reduce corruption and make for more peaceful elections. Source www.prospect.org and www.idea.int.
In 2010, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 prohibiting independent expenditures by corporations violated the First Amendment. With its decision, the court allowed corporations, including nonprofits and labor unions, to spend unlimited sums to support or oppose political candidates. The majority made the case that political spending from independent actors, even from powerful corporations, was not a corrupting influence on those in office—source www.opensecrets.org.
Riordan contends that this ruling violates his constitutional rights. He says, “the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written for the citizens, not corporations. The Supreme Court allows this unlimited flow of money, effectively making any contribution I do insignificant. My constitutional rights are violated, as are most Americans. I find this extremely offensive since I risked my life 22 years for the American People, not companies that have profit as their goal.” He is filing a petition to have Citizens United vs. the FEC overturned. He is hoping many Americans will join his cause. Read more.

A person in black jacket and pants near fire.
A group of people sitting on the ground.

America is under attack from within

America first is NOT the agenda of the radical left. Destroying America is their goal. Everything they are doing is right out of the Marxist playbook. We are not a racist nation. They are using the claim of racism to bully people and divide us. The radical left has been planning our demise for decades. Patiently they have been working toward their goal, packaging their ideas as if for the greater good, and meanwhile, they are brainwashing our children and young adults in public schools and universities. At the same time, they are infiltrating our government at all levels. They managed to win the last election, and now they are putting it all together to force their complete control. They want to completely rewrite or dispose of the constitution to keep their power permanently.

Founder’s Message

My response to this radical left agenda is a resounding NO. They have not earned the right to change the country. They did not win the public debate and did not have majority approval. And it is debatable that they legitimately won any recent election. They benefited and flourished in the greatest country in the history of the world, and their contribution is to take away everyone’s liberty and God-given individual rights. Their movement is evil. The battle must be fought with prayer, evangelization, and our involvement in government affairs. The Moral Majority cannot be silent and ignorant. Let’s work together to keep this from happening now and for the years to come!

My Oath

More than 35 years ago, I took an oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Off I went to protect you against the Soviet Union and some small bands of terrorists. I was fortunate not to see combat while in the Marines. Years later, I did as a civilian contractor. However, nothing was as dangerous as every day in the Marines. I was a KC130 Pilot and Primary Instructor Pilot. During my flying career, I lost a dozen friends to aviation mishaps. All the while, hundreds of servicemen and women died in combat in those 20 years. All were sons and daughters of ours. All died defending us. They all took an oath to defend the Constitution and loved this country.

A man standing in front of an airplane on the tarmac.
A family standing in front of their home.

Financial Services

After 20 years, I started a family and pursued the American Dream I faithfully defended. I went into the financial services industry, the retail side of it. I am good with numbers and like to help people. Four years later, the market crashed. I saw it coming but could do nothing. I didn’t know then that in 1999, our president reversed bank regulations designed to protect people. Within ten years, US bankers destroyed the world’s economy. Our later president bailed out those same banks. Millions lost their jobs and then their homes to the same banks. Many thousands died from stress-related illnesses and suicide. Both those presidents left the White House hundred-millionaires.

Trusting the Market

As everything was unraveling, I did my best to stay on top of the news and keep my clients informed. I listened to their concerns and assured them that everything would be alright. I watched years of accumulation disappear in weeks. At the time, I told them it would all return in time. Some of these people didn’t have time. This was when I realized people without money have no voice. Oh, they can speak, yell even, but with no money, no one listens. The other thing I learned is that as an adviser for the middle class, I was being used to help the banks increase the wealth of the already rich.

A close up of the back side of a us dollar bill
A group of people holding microphones and talking to each other.

Do we trust men or God?

How did this happen? You let it happen, you and me! We elect officials who methodically dismantle our forefathers' protections painstakingly assembled to protect us from financial and social collapse. I do not blame you or me; however, I blame the Godless politicians who love power and money more than their country. And I blame the corrupt news media who love money and fame more than the truth. 

Evil foreign and domestic forces are working hard to destroy us. They are nudging, pushing, and sometimes dragging the American people away from God. The United States became the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the history of the world because the people were God-fearing. Those beliefs were in the hearts of the men who wrote the constitution. The constitution does not work when God is not present. Our choice is to elect many God-fearing people or fall from grace and fail.

Domestic Enemies

More than 35 years ago, I took an oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Because I assumed that oath, I am labeled a white supremacist racist.  And because I joined the Marines, I am called a Neo-Nazi. I am called this by people whose right to free speech I defended. Yet they are doing everything to shut me up and discredit me. If I speak my concerns or question their actions, I am called names, blocked, or canceled. This is what fascists do! Pure and simple, they are evil! And a whole lot of lost sheep are following them.

We can and will beat them if we stand together. There are more of us. Will you join me in stopping them?

A person holding up a cardboard sign that says immigration.

Real Change

Do not turn your eyes away anymore. Do not let my service to you and the precious lives of my brothers and sisters, your sons and daughters, be in vain. Only you, the Moral Majority standing side by side, can bring real change to this country. And, if you will not stand up for yourself, stand up for your children and their children.

Stop Progressive Change

We are moving away from the principles and ideals that made us this great nation. A well-organized progressive social movement funded by foreign individuals, communist countries, and wealthy elitists. What they call progressive is Marxism, Communism, Socialism, basically varying degrees of the same thing: public or state ownership versus individual ownership. The movement follows no rules except to win at all costs. They use lies, deception, misinformation, and propaganda to attack, attack, attack! Everyone who gets in their way is attacked.

Can we beat them? Absolutely, with the light of truth and people's solidarity united for the greater good! Citizens have a responsibility to protect freedom and promote awareness. Citizens also must know when their liberty must be demanded and fought for if necessary. It is easier to keep a democratic republic than fight back for it once lost. We still have the numbers to win fair and honest elections!

Elected Representatives

We are being played for fools. The swamp is real.  It is an ever-consuming monster feeding off the taxpayers. Career politicians and beltway bureaucrats jam pet projects and earmarks into every piece of legislation. It is funding for unrelated projects that do nothing for the people and everything for the corporations, foreign countries, and wealthy elites who donate to campaigns. Many politicians are elected for their gift to influence people to believe what they want them to think. Elections in many states are rigged.  A significant indicator is the no voter ID law. Another is the mass mailing of ballots without confirmation that the sender is valid. These are the two causes for the discrepancies claimed to swing the last election from one candidate to another. Come on, man! Do you think a man well past his prime, known for corruption, who hid in his basement could beat an incumbent president who created the greatest economy in history? Look at the arrogance of the politicians in the no voter ID states. They know they will not lose.

My Beliefs

God, Family, Friends, and the United States of America.

God is central to my life. I try to be an example for others to follow. I have been blessed with the grace of God. My calling is as a protector of lives and liberty. I will do my best to live as Jesus my God wants me to live and to constantly seek wisdom by reading the bible and listening to the counsel of men wiser than I.

A white church with a steeple and cross on top.


Security & Development

The security and development of my children are my highest priority. I cherish my family and will do everything in my power to protect them and ensure their freedom. That should be the priority for all Americans.


Defending the Constitution

Therefore, I defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. We live in the greatest country in the world, made so by our Constitution, our plentiful natural resources, and our hard-working, diverse people. Our greatness is under attack. We have a sinister threat within our borders from people and ideas that want to dismantle the United States constitution and remake our country. And some of our own elected are letting them in their quest for wealth and power—all at the expense of the hard-working Americans and the future hard-working Americans, our children.


The Core of Our Country

The silent majority is the core of this country. People who are focused on making an honest living and raising children to do the same. However, they are not represented by our political leaders. Too many political leaders work for the foreign and domestic corporations and elites that fund their campaigns. We can change this. All we have to do is unite, learn the issues, and demand representation. Please join me in taking back our country. 

-Tom Riordan