
A picture of the american flag and quote from anonymous.

Who is responsible for the mess we are in?

April 25, 2024

America needs you to stop the communists from taking complete control of our country. Start here and sign these petitions. Home

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A quote from john f. Kennedy


January 9, 2024

Tuesday, January 09, 2024 USA Daily News Email preferences |  View articles on one page | Submit News Tip Featured Abortion killed 44.6 million people worldwide in 2023, more than any other cause of death By Calvin Freiburger EXCLUSIVE: World’s ‘only pro-life comedian’ says it’s…

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A picture of the american flag and quote from john stuart mill.

Absence of ‘intelligence’ could set up the United States for another 9/11-style attack – only this time, much worse

January 7, 2024

by: Pat Droney 2024-01-06 Source: Law Enforcement Today Opinion 9/11 by is licensed under Canva A piece in AND Magazine by Sam Faddis draws a startling comparison between the pre-September 11, 2001 intelligence mindset and today. Faddis notes that if someone had questioned the intelligence community the…

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A picture of the american flag and some words.

I need your help, America needs you now!

January 6, 2024

Join Voice of the Silent Majority today. Sign the petition for campaign finance reform. Set up your profile, join a group, and/or add your group. Invite friends and family who want to save America. Only We The People can save…

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A picture of the american flag and some words.

Just Say KNOW, YOU Are the Answer to What Ails America!

January 6, 2024 America is in trouble! But you already know this. It’s the reason you are engaged with the Convention of States Project to rally State leaders to utilize the most powerful constitutional tool reserved to them – Article V of…

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A picture of the american flag and quote from thomas jefferson.

An Open Letter to the American People from Signatories of this Declaration of Military Accountability

January 5, 2024

Sign and share

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A picture of the american flag and quote by patrick henry.

A Blueprint for Shrinking the Size of Government | Richard Manning, Americans for Limited Government

January 5, 2024

There is a lot here to digest. But very good information and a great place to start if you want to understand some of the issues. Wait until you hear him talk about 25% of the government workforce that does…

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A picture of the american flag and a quote from vsm.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene leads charge to impeach Mayorkas

January 4, 2024

I’m proud to have led the charge to IMPEACH Secretary Mayorkas for months in the House of Representatives. Before the House left Washington for Christmas break, I forced a vote on my impeachment resolution that put every member on the…

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A quote from benjamin franklin on the side of an american flag.

Latest Covid news on Epoch Times, you may need a subscription to Epoch Times

January 3, 2024

You may need a subscription to Epoch Times to read: Covid Vaccine Linked to Disturbing long-term syndrome, facts matter: Top 10 COVID events of the year reveal facts unspoken and unknown: FDA can withhold key covid vaccine safety…

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A picture of the american flag and words " united we stand, divided we fall ".

No Spin News – January 2, 2024

January 2, 2024

The mainstream news media is lying to you. Bill tells it like it is. Only informed people engaged in the political process can stop the corruption and dismantling of the Constitution and America.

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