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Voice of the Silent Majority, published by Republic USA 2121, Inc, is a public charity classified as a 501(c)(3) tax-deductible organization. Donors can deduct contributions to us under IRC Section 170. We are also qualified to receive tax-deductible bequests, devises, transfers, or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522. Please contact us if you have any questions.

The purpose of this organization is (1) to explore the value of the US constitution to the citizen, (2) the significance of its development in the advancement of the human quality of life in history, and (3) to promote this knowledge to its members and causes they deem in need of this knowledge, such as to students in elementary schools through to students in colleges and universities. Additionally, (4) to take on causes counter to the Moral Majority’s Judeo-Christian values to which the United States was founded. Most importantly, (5) give the Moral Majority a platform to be heard and encourage the usually silent moral majority to speak up against the hypocrisy and lies promoted by those determined to destroy America’s freedoms, and (6) identify and counter Marxist Communism ideology and policies promoted in America. Lastly, (7) teach individual citizens the responsibilities required to keep democracy alive and healthy for the next hundred years. We cannot take any political or partisan sides to keep 501(c)(3) status. There will always be those efforts out there. And encourage you to support them. We hope to win people’s hearts who vote for one party or another based on emotion or misinformation by remaining politically neutral. We want to educate on facts. We are not a propaganda arm of any agenda. On the contrary, we intend to expose propaganda from every source. And teach people to be skeptical of information until determined factual and find the truth.

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