Petition to Remove Corporate Campaign Donations

Election Corporate Donation Removal Petition

Join the Voice of the Silent Majority: Petition to Overturn Corporate Donations in U.S. Elections ​

We, the ‘Voice of the Silent Majority,’ stand for the sanctity, fairness, and integrity of the democratic process. We believe in the power of each citizen's vote, unmarred by the deceptive influence of corporate wealth. We are here to take a stand, to raise our voices against the rampant corporate and non-citizen entity influence that has seeped into our elections on all levels. We seek your support to overturn the consequences of the Supreme Court's landmark decision, Citizens United vs. FEC. Please support us by signing our election corporate donation removal petition below.

Why is This Important?

Citizens United vs. FEC, a ruling that has given corporations and non-citizen entities the right to free speech, has disproportionately overshadowed the political voice of average Americans. The First Amendment rights of the Constitution, intended to protect individual citizens, not faceless entities, have been hijacked. The floodgates for unlimited campaign donations have been swung open, leading to increased potential corruption and a staggering rise in government debt.

The Consequence of Corporate Influence

The repercussions of corporate influence extend far beyond the election cycle. Every dollar donated by multinational corporations and entities comes with strings attached—expectations that politicians will return the favor once in office. This practice has led to the erosion of the democratic process, undermining the intent of our founding fathers and veering away from the principles on which our nation was built. The 200 hundred years before the creation of the FEC in the 1970s, corporate and entity influence was illegal, and government debt was under control.

What Can You Do?

You are making a stand by signing our election campaign corporate donation removal petition. You declare that corporate and entity donations infringe upon your rights as a taxpaying citizen of the United States in our elections. You request Congress to amend the Constitution prohibiting corporate and entity political campaign donations, thereby overturning the Supreme Court ruling on Citizens United vs. FEC and all similar rulings that dilute our rights to free and fair elections.

Together, We Can Make a Difference

Together, we can ensure our elected representatives work for us, not for corporate entities. Your signature matters. It is the Voice of the Silent Majority. It signifies your commitment to restoring the democratic process and safeguarding our future.

Join us — add your name to the election campaign corporate donation removal petition today. Visit our contact page for more.

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